Each month we post highlights from the speakers at NJ Compensation Association monthly meetings. Here’s our take from the April 20, 2017 meeting:
Topic: 10 Factors Companies Should Spend More Time on before Implementing an LTI Program Speaker: Jarret Sues, Managing Director, FTI Consulting
Jarret Sue’s presentation was designed to help provide insight into what can often be the most complex component of compensation – LTI. He covered the full array of equity vehicles available, while explaining how 10 factors may affect decision-making. A few of these top 10 factors to understand before designing an LTI program include:
– Post-vesting hold or no-sell period
– Benefits of stock options
– Large cliff minimum payouts for performance shares
– Overreliance on peer group information
The presentation also reviewed key accounting, tax and legal topics. Along with corporate governance and market practices, these are all are essential to ensuring executives and employees are properly retained, motivated and incentivized.
The audience was given key factors to consider when:
– Designing a long-term incentive plan that is more efficient and cost effective
– Identifying and attaining desired objectives through granting of long-term incentives
– Approaching the granting of long-term incentives in a more thoughtful way
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